Sound Recordings, Somerset


This tape contains what are possibly edited copies of the collector's original Somerset field recordings, with his announcements inserted. Ruth Tongue recites wassail verses, spoken on Christmas Eve in ?; wassailing on Old Christmas Day in the Boscombe area; burning ashen faggots; house visiting; describes ashen faggot; wassail cakes; describes wassailing the apple tree; barring of wassailers; corn dollies; local legends involving the Devil, and mounted warrior ghost; local legend from Watchet re. ghost of woman exorcised by priest returning to grave one cock's stride a year (discuss significance of the cockerel in folklore); legend of canon ball in Combe Sydenham; Shrove Tuesday customs - Lent Cocking (decapitating daffodils), Ilminster; church clipping - procession, singing carols - in Gloucester, Staplegrove and Taunton; describes Minehead Hobby Horse custom and the horse. [Conclusion of interview which starts on tape LAVC/SRE/A231r]. Mr. Cottey of Staple Fitzpaine talks about local sayings associated with placenames; story of local sheep stealer (curing sheep in a cider barrel); a haunted pub. [Tr. 2]; haunted pub story; construction of ashen faggot; rabbiting on Old Christmas Day; weatherlore associated with blackthorn. [Tr. 3] Mr. Dicks of Hatch Beauchamp talks about ghost horses/riders; dragon legends; money buried under Bicknell Hall; fairies and mushroom rings; pixie/fairy beliefs (pixie fairs, being pixie led); local placenames; Barrington Hill; well water with medicinal properties. [Collector announcement]; Mr. Coles of Combe St Nicholas, recorded 12 December 1968, relates a legend concerning the Devil and Castle Neroche, near Dommett; and ghost dog/horse sightings on the Taunton road. [Collector announcement]; Mr. Scriven of Combe St Nicholas, recorded 12 December 1968, relates a headless horse legend; talks about Lambert's Castle (Dorset) and Castle Neroche; a miser who put money under a stone; a ghost story; ?Belmore band, Club and Treat. [Collector announcement]; Mrs. Dynham of Nimmer, near Chard, recorded 4 March 1969relating a legend concerning the Devil knocking down a church during the night; and a local underground passage. Mr. Gamlan of Howley, recorded 2 April 1969, relates a legend concerning the Devil throwing a stone at a church. Mr. Parsons and Mrs. Parsons, recorded 2 April 1969[?location], talk about the Devil's stone at Staple Fitzpaine; burning ashen faggots on Christmas Eve. Mrs. Bishop of Wadeford, recorded in the village Post Office on 2 April 1969, relating a story concerning a local Roman house/villa/temple. Miss Scriven of Wadeford, recorded 2 April 1969, talks about the ghost beliefs of people in Combe St Nicholas; smugglers from Bridgwater mixing seaweed into tobacco; claims to land; Roman churchyard. [Tr. 3] 2 of 5.


Identifier h64b86yn
IRN 414282
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A232r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Palmer, Kingsley
Date 1968-1969
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 94' 28".

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