Sound Recordings, Cambridgeshire


[Collector announcement]; Sidney Dewsbury, recorded in Pymore on 19 July 1975; talks about his working life; local floods in 1937 and 1940; work for river authority; strengthening/building river banks; use of willow and reeds in making mattresses, and their positioning; breach of river bank in 1953; drinking river water in the past; modern water supply; river fishing; bird catching with nets; education; [collector announcement]; breaching of river banks; uncle a champion ice skater; skating on the Washes; prizes and food; winters; playing cricket; local pubs; the Home Guard during World War Two; [collector announcement]; duck shooting. [Tr. 3] [Collector announcement]; Nelly Dewsbury, recorded in Pymore on 19 July 1975; talks about the local school and church; decline in churchgoing; living in Pymore; family; Harvest Suppers at the pub run by her father; working life - casual agricultural work, domestic service in Ely; [collector announcement]; young people leaving the village for work in Ely and Cambridge. [Tr. 4] [Collector announcement]; Mr. Hard and May Hard, recorded in Pymore on 19 July 1975; talk about local speech and dialect words; home remedies. Mr. and Mrs. Hard talk about local expressions, including Fen Tigers for Fenland people; the local soil; peat turf as fuel; bog oaks (submerged tree trunks); dialect words for insects; old roads/tracks; local soils; wind erosion; dykes and land drainage; local windmills and flour plant; gleaning; family and local village people; pubs; school; Oxlode; weekend cottages; the railway; excursions to Great Yarmouth; Ely Fair; Pymore Feast - sports, concert parties, amusements/fair, bands. [Tr. 5] [Collector announcement]; Claude Gimbert, recorded in Sutton on the 21 July 1975; talks about his grandfather's job as a grocer and draper; informant working for local grocers and drapers on leaving school; seven years in the Army; working life after the war, including gardening, building and lorry driving; stationed in France during World War Two - describes working and living conditions; wartime recollections; postings on returning to England; bell ringing; ringing Christmas morning bells; ringing towers in Hereford; weight of bells; [collector announcement]; bell ringing in Hereford; work after leaving the Army; thoughts on commercial grass/flower growing and land use. [Tr. 6]. Continued on tape LAVC/SRE/A676r. 11 of 15.


Identifier q3d24pk4
IRN 414726
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A675r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Tammivaara, Irmeli
Date July 1975
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 88' 59".

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