Sound Recordings, Oxfordshire


Bampton Morris Dancersdancing outside in Bampton, with musical accompaniment on an accordion and fiddle. ?Recorded at a gala/fete event - crowd noise and public address announcement is audible. [Tr. 9] Bobby Wells, recorded at the same event, talks about the Bampton Mummers; Ted Hunt (leader), the (paper) costumes worn; starting mumming in 1913, aged fourteen; collecting in pubs; training youngsters with Ted Hunt; performance locations, including gentlemen's houses, and in the study of Bampton Manor; largesse; structure of the play - players doubling up; performing on Christmas Eve; perambulatory; choosing parts; learning words; the entrance of the characters; performing up to thirty times a night; Bampton Morris Dancers; Jinky Wells (BW's father), fiddle player; breaking a fiddle at Clanfield [unidentified male asks questions re. the dancers], practicing; practicing the mummers' play two weeks before Christmas; discussion of the book 'History of the Parish and Town of Bampton' (1848), by John Allen Giles; morris dancers, Sam Bennett of Ilmington, William Kimber and Headington Morris; BW meeting Cecil Sharp, who recorded his father; Mary Neale inviting Bampton Morris Dancers to dance in the Globe theatre (BW as Ragman); dancing in the Albert Hall, London; BW giving his father's fiddles to Francis Shergold and Arnold Woodley; dancing in hob nail boots. [Tr. 10] Originally labelled tape C by the collector. Tape A is now tape LAVC/SRE/A497r, and tape B is tape LAVC/SRE/A498r. 15 of 39.


Identifier lgg748gc
IRN 414561
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A510r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Harrop, Peter K
Date 29 May 1978
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 42' 30".

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