Sound Recordings, North Yorkshire


Male, recorded in Filey in April 1962 [date when this copy tape made not known.]; relates anecdotes (mostly humorous) concerning local characters, including a rag and bone man, winkle collector, pork butcher, a homeless person; also Scarborough fishermen; fishing festival committee; Mayor of Scarborough; fishing club dinner; local councillors; practical jokes; local food, including pan haggerty (cheese, potato and onion dish) and pig lug. [Tr. 2] Male, recorded in Filey; relates anecdotes concerning local characters. [Tr. 3] Male and female, recorded in Filey; in conversation about local foods (including dialect terms for); both relate anecdotes; female describes making pig lug, and talk of other foods; Good Friday Fish Pie Supper. Gathering flowers for tables at the Fish Pie Supper - reference to the food eaten on this occasion (at Chapel) - describes Jordan Cake; Chapel concerts. [Tr. 4] Male talks about steam trawling; working with various skippers (after World War One); working out of Scarborough, Hull and Hartlepool; predicting the weather at sea; sea fishing anecdotes; the limit line in Scotland; seamen's clothing; skippers' wives; working conditions - describes a boat, the crew, mending nets; jobs on board - casting nets, gutting, washing fish; being on watch; engineers/fireman, cook on board; getting split - objects pulled on board with the fish (including large lump of coal, World War One mines - talks of removing the detonator); job sharing on board; harsh working environment; seamen's camaraderie; deckhands cleaning lights; watch and relieving other crew members; meals and meal times; accidents on board; reference to ships owned by the Barnsley Co-Operative. [Tr. 5] 3 of 10


Identifier v1438tzx
IRN 414612
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A561r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Widdowson, John D A
Date [Mid-1960s]
Size and Medium 1 x 14.6cm open reel spool, Duration: 92' 11".

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