Sound Recordings, West Yorkshire and Essex


Irvine Brooksbank, recorded in Thornton in May 1957; talks about Thornton village; anecdotes re. local people; quarryworkers (including his father); family's connection with the village; family nicknames; Chapel singing and the place of the chapel in village life; music making at home; Thornton pubs; Thornton Tide (Feast/Fair); also visited Clayton and [location unidentified] Tides; Manningham and other local Tides; Wibsey Horse Fair; holidays; Fair sizes and timings; recent Spring Tide in Thornton; agitators at fairs, including George Drake. [Tr. 3] [Collector announcement]; Ted Hull, recorded in Tiptree; talks about the village; its reputation for smuggling in the past; local fruit-growing and jam-making industry; decline in number of smallholdings; rising costs; increase in farm sizes; agricultural subsidies; strawberry-growing, cultivation, crops and picking, varieties, diseases; seed-growing and locations/soil types; farm mechanisation; farming with horses; Shire horses; use of steam engines and steam plough on the land; compares ploughing with tractors; animal pests; planting by hand; attitudes of older generation to mechanisation. [Tr. 4]


Identifier rj7qpc4c
IRN 414829
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A778r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Ellis, Stanley, Berntsen, Howard N
Date [1950s-1960s]
Size and Medium 1 x 17.8cm open reel spool, Duration: 50' 28".

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