Sound Recordings, Cambridgeshire


Herbert Powell, recorded in Sutton on the 17 June 1974 [continued from tape LAVC/SRE/A666r]; talks about horse-drawn cultivator/plough, and compares with modern machinery; describes harrows; hand sowing; weed spray; small tools; muck spreading; carts; agricultural labour and wages. [Tr. 4] [Collector announcement]; John Wyers, recorded in Mepal on the 17 June 1974; talks about the village church; local farms seventy years ago; agricultural labour, wages, hours, unemployment. [Tr. 5] [Collector announcement]; Eva Clark, recorded in Mepal on the 17 June 1974; talks about brewing in the village; grain, stones (for road mending), hay (for chaff factory at Sutton) and beet from Ely delivered by barge; the Hundred Foot River; flooding of the Washes; [informant's name announced]; education - describes a school day; taking the Carrier's Cart to Ely market; drag net fishing in the river, for Smelts; 21-stone sturgeon caught in 1907; [informant's name and location announced]; hay making. [Tr. 6] [Collector announcement]; Victor Clark, recorded in Mepal on the 17 June 1974; talks about harvest time; mowing, binding, making shocks of corn sheaves, thatching stacks, threshing corn [Eva Clark contributes]; weight of sacks, stored in barns; Eva Clark talks about sheep washing in the river; water for drinking/washing taken from the river; water from the village pond, filtered from the river, used for brewing; skating match suppers; (Norweigan) skates; skating on the Washes. [Tr. 7] [Collector announcement]; Florence Sulman, recorded in Coveney on the 22 June 1974; describes the local smithy and the work of the village blacksmith; the use of fuzzball [fungus] to stop a bleeding hoof. [Tr. 8] [Collector announcement]; Maud Barker, recorded in Coveney on the 22 June 1974; talks about the first car in the village; the village doctor; cooking; vegetable gardening; washing clothes; [informant's name announced]; witches. [Tr. 9] [Collector announcement]; Robert King, recorded in Coveney on the 22 June 1974; talks about his job as a postman; describes his round; cycling thirty one miles around the fens; [informant's name announced]; snow fall of 1946 and the village cut off. [Tr. 10] [Collector announcement]; Walter Edwards, recorded in Wisbech St Mary on the 22 June 1974; talks of his experience of World War One; describes his job as a horse keeper; treatment of horses; [informant's name announced] - interviewed on 25 June 1974; controlling horses; [informant's name announced]; cure for colds in humans; [informant's name announced]; working life, wages, hours; lists dates and locations worked. [Tr. 11] [Collector announcement]; Arthur Ingle, recorded in Elm on the 26 June 1974; talks about his working life; draining the fens; small holder; horseman; crops grown. [Tr. 12] [Collector announcement]; George Warby and Olive Warby, recorded in Elm on the 27 June 1974; discuss the village's history and name; changes in the village (roads and houses); agricultural work and fruit growing. [Tr. 13]. Continues on tape LAVC/SRE/A668r. 3 of 15.


Identifier bnt6ph1r
IRN 414718
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A667r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Tammivaara, Irmeli
Date June 1974
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 86' 47".

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