Sound Recording, Monmouthshire


Mr. Padfield, recorded in Crosskeys [undated]; talks about the local landscape and afforestation; boom time for coal mines during World War One; economic slumps and unemployment, dole and soup kitchens; working at a tin works, aged eleven; working on the clay levels with his father at the age of twelve; marriage; working in a colliery, six tons of coal extracted in a day; weighing coal, and payment for; Italian and Egyptian contracts for coal; disputes and how they were resolved; describes underground working/coal faces; mechanisation - coal cutting and removal; working by hand - allowances made depending on the hardness of the coal; wages for day men in the 1940s; wages on the clay levels (compared with agricultural labourers); coal allowance for married miners; coal picking during strikes; entertainment - home singsongs, touring drama companies, travelling shows (including slide shows) in the public hall, travelling theatre outdoors in a field; describes children's games (marbles, fox and hounds, catty, catty nip or run, rounders); practical jokes and punishments as a child; local canal and barges; weekly visit of a market boat; Sunday School treat on a decorated barge; canal boathouses; canal locks; the filling in of the canal; first motor cars; bicycles (types); (gramophone) records; musical boxes and hurdy-gurdies; Mr. Padfield's garden [Stanley Ellis leaves to view]; two examples of local blason populaire: the inhabitants of nearby Risca, known as Risca Cuckoos - Mr. Padfield relates the story told of how Risca residents tried unsuccessfully to pen a cuckoo; also the moonrakers story told about people from Machen; [Stanley Ellis returns. Talk of the garden and conclusion of the interview is on tape LAVC/SRE/A826r.]


Identifier v7ylqrvh
IRN 414884
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A833r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Ellis, Stanley, Parry, David
Date [1960s]
Size and Medium 1 x 17.8cm open reel spool, Duration: 42' 25".

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