Sound Recordings, Essex


Mr. R. O. Allston, recorded in West Bergholt; talks about the growth of the village; serving with the Essex Regiment (and also the Hampshire Regiment) during World War One; his father's work in a local flour mill; describes flour, middlin's and bran - products of corn grinding; the village brewery; local farm employers; the decline in agricultural employment; sheep; crops grown; storing mangel-wurzles and swedes; chopping out/singling beet; farm horses; groom gardeners; fox hunting. [Tr. 6] James Pearson, recorded in Belchamp Walter; describes his job as a stockman on a farm; describes other farm jobs, including harvesting; describes the process of thatching (haystacks); seed drilling; talks about his house and garden. [Tr. 1]


Identifier xs4q3c69
IRN 414839
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A788r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Berntsen, Howard N
Date 1961
Size and Medium 1 x 17.8cm open reel spool, Duration: 43' 28".

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