Sound Recordings, Warwickshire


Danny Bachelor, recorded at home in Ratley, describes a plant remedy for shingles (used c. 1900); describes cattle cures; mesmerising chickens; breaking eggs; charming animals (horses); use of saltpetre; gold ring to cure eye infection; cures for rheumatism (potato, mole's foot); use of tar to cure ringworm in cows; barren/flushed/slip calf cows; ?hiring at Banbury Fair; foundry work in Coventry; life in Ratley; farm work; discusses various farm implements - flail, sieve, wimble (last used in thatching); [collector announcement]. [Tr. 3] Bentley Webb , recorded at home in Halford, talks about his grandfather's work as a vet - working with horses (blood letting); father's names for clouds, weather forecasting, weather sayings/rhymes; informant describes father and grandfather's work as road builders - repairs, drainage, wall repairs; bowls (game); Tea Pot Club (health insurance scheme) in Tysoe; keeping score in bowls; laudanum for wakeful children; doctor's claim on furniture of patient who died, and who wasn't in health scheme; Black Draught potion; names for horses in a ploughing team; discusses farm machinery; Halford village(rs) now and then; pig keeping; bread making; new clothes for Easter; food preparation. [Tr. 4] Mark Luttman, recorded in Bidford-on-Avon; talks about wart cures (straw knots); calls to plough horses; farm jobs - bagging sheaves, mowing, making hayricks. [Tr. 5] Mr. Bradley, recorded in Shipston-on-Stour; talks about the Rollright Stones - name, age, legend of how they were formed (army turned to stone by a witch); St. Augustine receiving British Bishops at the circle; modern legends concerning the stones (can't count the stones); farm boy's supernatural experience in the 1960s described; witch from Shipston on Stour buried at crossroads; death of workman who disturbed the bones (c. 1940s/1950s); local legend concerning the haunted Long Walk at Idlicote; heart and liver of Ralph Sheldon buried in Long Compton church, his body buried in Beoley. [Tr. 6] Jack Bury, recorded in Winderton; discusses plant cures - hellebore used to cure joint evil in lambs (stiffness of limbs); curing of children of ringworm by a woman in Banbury; wart cures; farming methods - harvesting. [Tr. 7] Concludes on tape LAVC/SRE/A262r. 1 of 3.


Identifier hv8h7hcv
IRN 414310
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A261r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Wharton, Colin S
Date 1967
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 126' 14".

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