Sound Recordings, Oxfordshire


Don Rouse, recorded in the Elephant and Castle pub, Bampton, talks about the Bampton mummers' play; the play's revival in 1946 by Ted Hunt, following enquiries by Reverend Bateman; the script; learning the parts, and the pride in performing; DR playing the part of Robin Hood as an eleven year old; performing as a child on Christmas Eve in local big houses (walk, knock and hope); performing on Boxing day in pubs and the homes of americans building the Brize Norton air base; younger members joining the team; the role of the Doctor's character and improvisation - making people laugh; preference for house visiting - younger pub audience not appreciative; defending tradition in Bampton. [Tr. 9] Ken Adams, recorded in the George and Dragon pub, talks about his involvement in the mummers' play; KA dancing with the Bampton morris side (with Arnold Woodley as Squire); asked to join the mummers in 1974; the importance of the voice and the Bampton accent; learning the script; first parts played were Robin Hood and Jack Finney; in 1979 he will play King George and Royal of Prussia King; sense of fun; house visiting, performances at parties; rehearsals; the Christmas schedule - timing; costume; new elements - youngsters, waiting list to join; pub performances - less ad libbing due to the tight schedule; preference for pub to booked stage performances; the meaning of the play - entertainment pre- mass media; the length of the tradition; comments on Reading Mummers performing at the Sidmouth Festival, and differences in their performance to that of Bampton. [Tr. 10] 19 of 39.


Identifier kjt2pm2h
IRN 414565
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A514r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Harrop, Peter K
Date 28 May 1979
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 30' 03".

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