Sound Recordings, Manchester


[Collector announcement]; female informant, recorded in Manchester, describes Ukrainians' celebrations on Christmas Eve (Julian calendar, January 6th); describes the Christmas Eve meal, its constituent parts and traditional foods; the arrangement of the table; the use and symbolism of straw and a wheat sheaf; the significance of tradition for Ukrainians living away from their native country; the celebration of Christmas according to both calendars; carol singing; the Christmas Eve table, the laying of an extra place (for absent friends) and the use of candles; church service on January 7th; the preservation of tradition; house decorations; the Christmas tree and the influence of people from other countries; presents from St. Nicholas on December 19th; play performed on St. Nicholas Day; Christmas Eve dinner at the Ukrainian children's Saturday school; survival of traditions in England; New Year (January 14th) celebrations and customs - divination (young women, future husbands); the Jordon ceremony (January 19th) - blessing of water, meal on the 18th; blessing of houses (in Ukraine); greetings (etiquette); carols; belief associated with the Christmas Eve meal, and the invitation of natural disasters so they won't befall the community in the ensuing year (associated with agricultural/farming communities in Ukraine - not observed in England). [Tr. 7] Male informant recites [?in Ukrainian] a description of Ukrainian Christmas traditions; describes (in English) Christmas traditions; the meal on January 6th; church carol service; table setting; Christmas tree; sheaf of wheat; decorations; carol singing; the effect of Communism on traditions in Ukraine); presents; St. Nicholas Day (December 19th); school pantomime; food; carol singing groups (children). [Tr. 8] Female informant describes the Ukrainians' Christmas Eve meal - food, sheaf of corn, straw under the table cloth; church services; celebrating Christmas Day on December 25th as well; St. Nicholas Day (December 19th); house decorations up until January 14th; New Year celebrations; children house visiting, largesse given (in Ukraine); observe also New Year on January 1st; carols and house visiting; largesse. [Tr. 9]


Identifier jc6cnnth
IRN 414784
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A733r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Drinkwater, Jane Margaret
Date January 1976
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 83' 24".

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