Sound Recordings, West Yorkshire


Interviews with four men regarding their experiences as Royal Air Force air gunners during World War Two. The interviews were recorded in the studio of Leeds University Television Service in Leeds. [Collector announcement]; Jack Sacksfield describes a forced landing due to bad weather in Italy; experiences as a prisoner of war - describes interrogation, the prison camp and his reaction to being taken prisoner; escape in September 1943, walking to the coast from mountains, rescue by a tank landing craft. [Tr. 2] [Collector announcement]; Chris Leeming describes an air raid [?on Pina Mundi] - weather conditions, near miss with a British plane, the site to be bombed, flak, anti-aircraft response, plane's wing and CL's gun turret hit, parachuting out, landing, taken prisoner, first meal, interrogation in Frankfurt, by rail to prisoner of war camp in Saxony; describes the processing camp, the nationality of the prisoners; Red Cross parcels; the fall of Italy and CL's camp made into a transit camp; closing of frontiers, lack of food, weight loss; describes his liberation by the Russians, the massacre of Germans. [Tr. 3] [Collector announcement]; Ben Pearce gives an account of an air raid on Ishigaki airfield in the Pacific; describes dive bombing in formation, anti-aircraft response, plane hit, Observer hit and tending to his injuries; return to fleet of aircraft carriers; delayed shock; describes the bullet which killed the Observer. [Tr. 4] Ken Sutcliffe recites a war poem. [Tr. 5] [Collector announcement]; Ken Sutcliffe describes an attack on his plane as it was coming in to land; crash landing; injuries; taken to Ely hospital for treatment (describes his burns treatment); the Air Ministry's letter incorrectly informing his mother of his death; letter of apology sent later. [Tr. 6] Cassette labelled Interviews in TV studios. 1 of 6. Further sound recordings on tapes LAVC/SRE/A600 -A603 (each labelled Preliminary Interview).


Identifier mfdd9g1d
IRN 414650
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A599
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Date 17 March 1981
Size and Medium 1 audiocassette., Duration: 44' 41".

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