Sound Recording, West Yorkshire


Recorded in John Curtin's home in Leeds, and at the Grove Folk Club (also in Leeds). John Curtin sings an unidentified song, with guitar accompaniment; and tells a story of catching wild boar in Bradford (boar on city's coat of arms). Geoff Wood, recorded at the Grove Folk Club. Talks about his interest in folk music (reference to Alastair Cook's radio series), children's songs, monologues at school; Addingham Folk Club; discusses songs of Cole Porter and Irving Berlin; live music in pubs, Music Hall tradition (during World War Two); Army songs, parodies; effect of television and amplification on live music; collecting (Irish) folk songs - living tradition in Ireland; collecting songs in the Lake District - local references in texts with Irish tunes; Boxing Day sings after a hunt (?in the Lake District); Lakeland sports meetings and singing competitions; Egremont Crab Fair (at the time of harvesting crab apples) - describes events, including the greasy pole and retrieving a flitch of bacon; outlines his working life, interest in the Folk Revival, influence of Dave Brady, the Topic Folk Club in Bradford (1950s/60s), American songs and Woody Guthrie; Musical Union; skiffle; Music Hall. 10 of 13.


Identifier wqvfr25g
IRN 414123
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A073
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Bergal, Nancy Ann
Date 25 January 1980
Size and Medium 1 audiocassette., Duration: 52' 18".

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