Sound Recordings, West Yorkshire


The Irish singer, Darach Ó Catháin [DOC], recorded on 7 May 1973 in Leeds; talks about coming to Leeds in 1960; reference to Brendan Behan and Seán Ó Riada [SOR]; singing and first meeting with the latter in Dublin, and making a record with his band [female enters and contributes occasionally]; radio performances in Ireland; love of Ireland; weekly programme with SOR on Radio Éirann; DOC's song repertoire and influence of his mother and her cousin; singing in an Irish music festival in Leeds in 1971; influence of Seamus MacMahon; singing in pubs in Leeds, also folk clubs in West Yorkshire; song writing (words, not tune); explains the context of a song he then sings in Gaelic [tune, compare Banks of Sweet Dundee]; explains story behind next song, 'Caiptín O' Maílle' [sinking of ship and loss of life on way to a fair in Ireland - sings a few verses in Gaelic - whole song has thirty]; discusses the meaning of the song to him, sung as his mother sang it; subjects of songs DOC sings (love, sad songs); reunion with Seán Ó Riada's band in Dublin in 1973; SOR's influence on the folk revival in Ireland; singing with SOR (all Gaelic); DOC also sings in English; explains the story of the song 'John O' Reilly' , and sings it in English; disinclined to sing sad songs in public. [Tr. 2] Darach Ó Catháin, recorded in Leeds on the 13 May 1973; comments on the previous (7th May) recording; talks about his mother as a singer, and her influence on his singing; his brother and pub singing; mother's education; DOC's education; construction worker in County Wicklow; marriage in County Meade; farm work; meeting Seán Ó Riada at a singing competition in 1958; the legacy of SOR's work in promoting Irish music; talk of the writer Brendan Behan; Irish politics, language, Ulster, land ownership inequalities; Roman Catholic religion (Ireland and Leeds compared); changing attitudes of youth towards traditional music/song - compares the 1960s and the present; comments on Sean-nos - style and airs; talk of Seán Ó Riada and Seamus Ennis [informant expresses hope at this point that no one will hear the tape and what he is saying about Seamus Ennis], students, the collector's studies and present-day youth. [Tr. 3]. Concludes on tape LAVC/SRE/A577r. 1 of 3.


Identifier bhz8fw7s
IRN 414627
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A576r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Lewis, Cathy Laura
Date May 1973
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 101' 57".

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