Sound Recordings, North East England
With the exception of those made in 1954, it is unclear who made the recordings on this tape. Billy Atkinson (mouth organ) plays hornpipe tunes; Joe Hutton and Tommy Breckons play Northumbrian small-pipes (various unidentified tunes); Joe Hutton plays 'Foxglove', 'Archie's Hornpipe', 'Stack of Wheat', 'The Kingston', 'The Cold Nights of Winter'(from Archie Dagg), 'Home Sweet Home' ( Tommy Elliott variations). [Tr. 2] [Final 5 minutes affected by severe variations in playback speed, a result of failing batteries in the original tape recorder. This section not copied onto AC139.] Unidentified small-pipes player plays Scottish tunes. [Tr. 3] Joe Hutton on small-pipes accompanies female singer [?wife] singing ? 'My Own Sweet Home'; JH plays hornpipe tunes, including some from Jimmy Hill (i.e. James Hill). [Tr. 4] Compilation of extracts from field/commercial recordings made in 1954. Comprises the small-pipes players Jack Armstrong (recorded in Newcastle upon Tyne on 8 June, either by A. L. Lloyd or for a Saydisc recording), Joe Hutton (recorded in Otterburn on 11 July for Topic records) and Tommy Breckons (recorded in Bellingham on 11 July by A. L. Lloyd). Includes the tune to 'Barbara Allen'; announcement by one player of unnamed tune from North Tyneside; fragment of fiddle tune. [Tr. 5] 5 of 8.
Identifier | dq6x45bz |
IRN | 414367 |
Class Mark | LAVC/SRE/A316r |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Audiotape Sound Recordings |
Creator(s) | Harrison, Stephen |
Date | 1954-1976 |
Size and Medium | 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 61' 57". |