Sound Recording, London


[Collector announcement]; Joe Benjamin, recorded in his home in Dalston; gives biographical details, talks about his parents' occupations (both immigrants from Lithuania), his siblings (and cousins) living together after his uncle died; mother shopping in Brick Lane/Spitalfields markets for the family's grocery shop; family meals; daily routine, including prayers, attending synagogue; education; brother's job as a music engraver; JB's first job as a cabinet maker; working for Westinghouse in the United States(four years); meeting his wife; working in the family's grocery shop; mother's clothes; describes his job as a cabinet maker - wages, employer, apprenticeship, hours; singing at work - party after closing (known as Lazy Monday); working in America [?1914-1918], making moulds at Westinghouse (Pittsburgh) - describes the machinery used, the company and number of employees; returning to London. JB describes other work undertaken whilst living in Pittsburgh; compares working practises/wages in America and England; religious observance and changes whilst in America; investing his savings; returning to England after World War One to resume cabinet making - describes the job, wages, union involvement ( Furniture Trades Association); experience of anti-Semitism at work during World War Two; talks about his home and children; work making threads and thread gauges (metalwork) at an engineering firm - anti-Semitism and the attitudes of other employees.


Identifier dytc2255
IRN 414637
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A586
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Schrut, Judith Lynne
Date 7 January 1977
Size and Medium 1 audiocassette., Duration: 62' 59".

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