Sound Recordings, [West Yorkshire]


Female sings 'Barbary Ellen' and 'Red Haired Sally' [second in Gaelic]. [Tr. 2] James Lyons relates a story about a Russian performing bear in Batley and Dewsbury (c. 1910s); and a clinkin' toad (watch); Kathleen Lyons sings 'Patrick Sheehan'; JL sings 'Come All You Young Fellows', 'Patrick Sheehan', 'Robin a Bobbin' and [first line: There was a lady lived in Leeds]. [Tr. 3] Bill Hill sings 'Starch Soap and Candles', 'Dance Round the Maypole', 'I am a Driver' and 'Greenhill Farm'. [Tr. 4] Lily Hill sings 'As I Was Walking Down Old Green Lane'. [Tr. 5] Jack Banham sings 'Hole in the Elephant's Bottom'. [Tr. 6] Vic Moorhouse sings 'The Barley Mow'. [Tr. 7] Peter Wright sings 'A Collier Lad'. [Tr. 8] Jack Banham sings 'The Lobster'. [Tr. 9] Walter Wheeler recites the monologue 'Dangerous Dan the Jew', and sings 'Bless This House'. [Tr. 10] George Jakes sings 'I'll Never Forget the Day'. [Tr. 11] Percy Binns sings 'Sarah'. [Tr. 12] Joe Lindley sings 'Little White Mouse'. [Tr. 13] Savile Ramsden sings 'Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea'. [Tr. 14] James Lyons sings 'Lord Nelson and Lord Howe' , '[Napoleon]', 'Bonny Bunch of Roses', 'O Josephine My Josephine' and 'I Was Sold that Afternoon'. [Tr. 15] Tom Daniel sings 'Old Jim Slack', with banjo accompaniment. [Tr. 16] Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Robinson and Anne Taylor sing 'Barnsley Anthem'; Harold Robinson sings 'Barnsley Anthem'. [Tr. 17] James Lyons sings 'Barnsley Anthem' [2 attempts] and 'Mr. McAdam and Co.' [Tr. 18] Herbert Machon sings 'The Old Lady Her Ass and the Cock'. [Tr. 19] Tom Daniel sings 'Long Tom the Yorkshire Gamekeeper' and 'Poverty Knock', with banjo accompaniment. [Tr. 20] Kathleen Lyons sings 'The Knocking Up Song' [part], 'Barbara Allen', 'Old Dick Drummond', 'Bonny Lad'; James Lyons sings 'McCaffery', 'Old Roger'and 'Billy Boy'. [Tr. 21] Marion McClean sings 'Old Dick Drummond' and 'Sally Bought a Rabbit'. [Tr. 22] Gladys Collie sings 'Leeds Old Church'. [Tr. 23] James Lyons sings 'Botany Bay'. [Tr. 24]


Identifier zkyrhv3l
IRN 414675
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A624r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Green, Anthony E
Date 1964-1966
Size and Medium 1 x 17.8cm open reel spool, Duration: 118' 11".

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