Sound Recording, East Riding of Yorkshire


Herbert Sykes of Wetwang relates items of weatherlore - rainbows, moon (and associated rhymes), wind direction, horses' behaviour/crows' behaviour (nesting) as signs of weather; Mrs. Sykes relates sayings associated with luck, omens, visitors, death; Mr. Sykes sings 'Who Killed Cock Robin'; recites harvest rhymes; marriage customs - running [for bride's garter]; recites, then sings, 'All Jolly Good Fellows that Follow the Plough' [sung at Martinmas]; Wetwang Fair, wagon driving competition (1913-1914); Waggoners' Reserves monument, Sledmere Church; women's Pancake Tuesday race; Shrove Tuesday skipping; children's games - marbles, cricket, hopscotch, ball games. [Tr. 2] Female [? Mrs. Love] talks about plants and weatherlore, animal behaviour as weather sign; plantlore; weather rhymes/sayings; moonlore (moon names); sayings/beliefs regarding luck, colours, birds, trees, flowers; colour and marriage rhyme; day of birth rhyme. [Tr. 3] Mrs. Frear relates various sayings/rhymes regarding cutting (finger) nails and shaving; a proverb; first day of the month and saying white rabbits; beliefs associated with Beardy's Grave and [?Blubbard] Hill (between Fridaythorpe and Blixendale); talk of Wold Rangers - itinerant workers working on the land - lists nicknames, early twentieth century; anecdote regarding a lad courting with a lantern; [ Mrs. Cross] relates a rhyme/belief associated with cutting (finger) nails; Mr. Freardescribes the Christmas house-visiting custom in Wetwang, known as going Christmas boxing. Recites the words of an accompanying song, sung by boys on Christmas Day morning, and girls on New Year's Day. [Tr. 4] 2 of 4.


Identifier pdrwlf5q
IRN 414147
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A097r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Chamberlain, John S
Date July/August 1961
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 67' 10".

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