Sound Recordings, West Yorkshire


Harry Slack, recorded in his home in Leeds; sings 'The Rocks of Orme', followed by brief conversation about the song and informant's singing style; sings [unidentified]; talks of his home in Ireland, family, education, working on the land and turf selling when not at school; living in Yorkshire (Bradford, Doncaster and Leeds) and Lincolnshire (Gainsborough); family, wife and children; retirement plans; dancing and singing at gatherings in family home; cups for dancing; singing at the Regent pub. Sings [unidentified] and discusses date of song; sings [unidentified]; talks about airs and song tunes; sings 'The Banks of Sweet Dundee'; songs published in the newspaper 'Ireland's Own'; sings [unidentified]; [At this point in the tape the recording cuts to fragments of songs sung by male singers [?in the Regent pub], including 'The Rocks of Orme'. This section lasts c. 4 minutes, and then the interview with Harry Slack continues. On the AC copy this has been edited out and recorded as Tr. 3.]; discussion of the study of singing, radio programme on folk music, English traditional songs; recollections of singing in another Leeds pub; thoughts on returning home to Ireland, pub music, Irish traditions in England and Ireland; storytelling. [Tr. 2] 6 of 8.


Identifier ss52dqyf
IRN 414329
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A279r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Ashton, John
Date [1974/1975]
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 65' 25".

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