Sound Recordings, Cambridgeshire


[Collector announcement]; Christopher Haddock [ Albert Haddock's brother] and Elsie Haddock, recorded at Sutton Gault on the 22 July 1975; talk about wild mushrooms and mushroom picking; mushroom ketchup and how to make it; berry picking; drilling with horses; commands to horses. [Tr. 3] [Collector announcement]; Herbert Casbon, recorded in Mepal on the 23 July 1975; talks about the village school and its staff; Florence Nightingale; World War One; leaving school aged twelve to work on his uncle's farm; cleaning mangel-wurzles for five shillings a week; prices/living costs; agricultural labouring and labourers' wages; local street and farm names; gravel-digging; fishing with drag nets on the river; types of fish; water quality; collecting and selling rainwater; outside toilets; domestic lighting; cooking stoves and ovens; the bakehouse; turf as fuel; washing and the use of a copper; bathrooms; lists village's pubs (past and present); childhood practical jokes; sports and games; ferry across the Washes; price of beer; pub singing; the village Feast; Sunday School Anniversary; pub singing; recites some of the words to 'If Those Lips Could Only Speak'[ 'Beautiful Picture in a Golden Frame']; life expectancy of Fen people. Herbert Casbon talks about his involvement in managing the village school; school visits to discuss the old times with current pupils; gleaning; thrashing corn; pig killing; school punishments, heating, centenary; new school house; food and drink taken at school when HC was a boy. [Tr. 4] [Collector announcement]; George Chapman [?wife also present], recorded at Stretham on the 24 July 1975; talks about the village - size and changes in the population, shops and pubs; Sunday School and church attendance; working on the land as a boy; thatched corn stacks; farm horses; carriers' carts to Ely and Cambridge; farm wages; village water supply; domestic lighting and heating; gleaning; brick ovens; pig killing and meat curing; washing and sanitation; cycling; village flower show and sports day; local farm crops; working the land with horses; migrant workers, including Gypsy Traveller communities; living conditions; traditional medicine; working on the University farm in Cambridge; village monument; Roman remains in the area; bog oaks (submerged tree trunks, also referred to as black oaks) and other finds in fields. [Tr. 1] 13 of 15.


Identifier lmby2zd4
IRN 414728
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A677r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Tammivaara, Irmeli
Date July 1975
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 91' 22".

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