Sound Recording, West Yorkshire


Various informants recorded at Donisthorpe Hall Old People's Home in Leeds. Leizer Gold sings unidentified song; male sings unidentified song; male ( Rabbi Safer) relates an incident, and other information relating to Leeds; male relates an incident from World War One; Rabbi Safer talks of Yiddish boxers in Leeds; Leizer Gold makes reference to a [Russian] pogrom; Rabbi Safer talks about coming to live in Leeds in the 1930s/1940s; Mely Tayler gives biographical information, and talks [in English] about working in Russia during the Russian Revolution (reference to Red Sunday), coming to England, work, marriage, children, shop owning, visits to Israel, fund raising, the Jewish Club in Leeds; Leizer Gold speaks in Yiddish about the pogrom in Lithuania in 1906; Rabbi Safer relates an incident (in English) and relates a discussion he had in 1913 regarding the coming of war, and another prediction of the same in 1880; Leizer Gold speaks in Yiddish of the pogrom in Lithuania. Rabbi Safer and Leizer Gold sing and speak (mixture of English and Yiddish); Rabbi Safer sings an unidentified song [in Yiddish and Hebrew]; Leizer Gold sings in Yiddish and Hebrew; Rabbi Safer talks in English of the Chief Rabbi ( Dr. Herz, 1911-1913) speaking in Manchester in 1917, and the issue of conscription and conscientious objection; Leizer Gold talks of the Chief Rabbi, and the 1908/1909 period; Rabbi Safer talks in English and Yiddish of the visit of Moses Segal to Manchester in 1915.


Identifier rrj16gmh
IRN 414685
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A634r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Cheichel, Edna
Date 1970
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 71' 55".

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