Sound Recording, Ayrshire


James McCrindle, recorded at home in Ayr, talks about his career as a fisherman; the type of fish caught; fishing grounds; starting in 1923; describes a fishing boat, sailing as a schoolboy, the crew, boat names, boat construction, names for parts of boats [collector referring to the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies fishing questionnaire, based on Peter Wright's original. See LAVC/STA/3/1]; occupational folklore re. luck - avoiding chimney sweeps, women, not sailing on a Friday, touching cold iron; relates story of seeing a ? at sea; talks about ring nets to catch herring; other fishing methods (mid-water trawl); work clothes; drownings at sea; creel fishing for lobsters; recites part of song on fishing in Campbeltown; salmon fishing; line fishing for cod, eel and haddock on the Clyde River; naming boats [shows photographs]; changes - sail to diesel; recites poem written by himself; tells story re. Bobby Ingram; tells humorous anecdotes. Talk of the seventh wave (curler), used for coming into Girvan harbour; reference to net making and boat builder's yard; occupational folklore re. salmon, pigs, ministers, sweeps, women and bad luck; work as minesweeper in the Arctic Convoy (World War Two); initiation ceremony for a young fisherboy; discuss photographs of the informant at work; talk of smuggling whisky. Recorded 20 December 1973. [Tr. 1] John Geddes, Harbour Master at Girvan, recorded in his office, talks about his career as a fisherman; starting as ship's cook; herring fishing; fishing grounds pre-World War Two; using ring nets off the east coast of Scotland; another informant, [? Alec Ingram], talks about creel fishing at this point; number of boats fishing; fishing grounds; prawn fishing on the Clyde River; beliefs re. good and bad luck - sweeps, rabbits, women, Friday 13th, ministers; weatherlore; net mending (women). Mr. Dodd and the local policeman also present. Collector announcement. Recorded 21 December 1973. [Tr. 2] 1 of 6.


Identifier jk8ypnf6
IRN 414333
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A283r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Czerkawska, Catherine Lucy
Date December 1973
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 89' 18".

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