Sound Recordings, Suffolk


[Collector announcement]; George Creasy, recorded at home in Framsdenon the 30 July 1971; recites the monologues 'Bill and Bob' and 'Harvest Carting in Suffolk'; talks about his working life on local farms; wages; driving lambs to markets in Melton and Diss; sheep shearing and dipping; farm horses; ploughing; four course crop rotation; Harvest Supper/Frolic; manuring fields; past and present compared; estate workers at Framsden Hall; Christmas food; everyday food; Elevenses; Fourses - at harvest time (food/drink in the field); use of candles at home; Diss lamb sale; pubs; gleaning; family size; schooling. [Tr. 2] [Collector announcement]; Fred Mortimer, recorded at home in Kettleburgh on the 10 August 1971; talks about his siblings; farm work - jobs, hours, wages (piece work); describes a herdsman's day; serving in the Army in France during World War One; schooling; Christmas; school prizes; Mrs. Mortimer talks about her family; domestic jobs; selling milk and butter; describes buttermaking; baking in a brick oven; weekly domestic routine (cleaning, washing, cooking); cider making; using a brick oven to make Million Pies; Sunday School; children's games; meals and meal times; brewing beer; Christmas food; Fred Mortimer describes types of beer and their strengths; the Harvest Horkey, funded by village tradespeople - also Frolic/Largesse spending; the Lord of the Harvest - the head man, who mows first, and who makes a speech at the Harvest Supper; reference to singing and dancing (songs referred to, 'Farmer's Boy' and 'Little Brown Jug'). [Tr. 3] 3 of 7.


Identifier lqdfr59x
IRN 414789
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A738r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Pasanen, Leena
Date July-August 1971
Size and Medium 1 x 17.8cm open reel spool, Duration: 87' 30".

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