Sound Recordings, North Yorkshire


Male, recorded in Filey in April 1962 [date when this copy tape made not known]; relates two dialect recitations concerning the local area, and anecdotes/jokes about local characters and the area. [Tr.1 ] Female relates the recitations 'Oor Parson' and 'The Watcher of Filey Brigg', and a number of anecdotes (local/dialect). [Tr. 2] Male, recorded in Filey; talks about his childhood, going to school, making own entertainment; rats around the seafront; the lifeboat and method of choosing the crew (coins); launching the lifeboat; shipwrecks; Shipwrecked Mariners' Society; going to sea; wartime and rescuing men at sea; families sailing together; changing lifestyles - describes old ways - clothing, women knitting and washing; decline in the Filey fishing industry; quality of local fishing grounds; local food; visitors from Scarborough; Good Friday Fish Pie Supper (describes fish pies); Yorkshire puddings; food taken to sea; thoughts on dialect and customs - reference to sword dancing, fishermen's race for scarf at weddings, wedding cake custom. [Tr. 3] Male, recorded in Filey; talks about local dialect and the influence of television and radio, education, the railways and foreigners; local sayings; funeral customs (ham); Filey dialect, words and phrases; dialect of Filey fishermen; class distinctions and the dialect forms of you; Filey customs and beliefs - luck, sayings, St. John's Day showing the Parish boundaries; informant's time as a choirboy; first motorbike seen; Empire Day; thoughts on mischief and respect for authority; Filey dialect and links with Denmark - words, expressions, placenames (gives examples); continuity of dialect and differences between villages; Chaucer's English and dialect words; importance of tape recorder in preserving dialect; thoughts on Filey dialect speakers; local tourism and Butlin's camp; local families/family names; voting station not in Filey until c. 1902/03; attitudes to non-Filey people; the future of the dialects; Filey parsons. [Tr. 4] 4 of 10.


Identifier ypwsp8cl
IRN 414613
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A562r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Widdowson, John D A
Date [Mid-1960s]
Size and Medium 1 x 14.6cm open reel spool, Duration: 92' 10".

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