Sound Recordings, Wiltshire
James Shipway, recorded in Avebury; talks about thatching; the loss of tradespeople in the village; reference to the renovation of a barn in the village [by the National Trust, now the Great Barn]; tractors; cattle; ploughing with bullocks; method of using a wooden plough; attaching oxen to a plough, cart; pubs; agricultural wages; crops grown; corn harvesting; scythe parts described; beer - supply and cost; hay/straw ricks (built on ? stones); corn ricks built on straw; water meadows; pig killing; bacon curing; names for parts of pig; lard; pig names. [Tr. 4] Fred Blake, recorded in Avebury; gives terms for pigs, offal and scraps [wife contributes]; beer (barrels/casks); grain grown, inc. beans/peas (collectively corn); horse feed; grass mowing with a scythe; field names; water meadows; cow sheds; sheep names; pig names; horse names; waggons and carts. [Tr. 5] Mr. Blake continues with a description of his job as a carter; discusses other job roles; stone wall building, stone names; gate (posts) - names the parts, inc. fastenings; the housing and feeding of pigs and horses; cow stalls, cow shed, manure; implements (brushes, besoms); thatching terms (for barns); thatched corn stacks/rocks; corn crops grown; furrows. [Tr. 1] Herbert Watts, recorded in Steeple Ashton; talks about the parts of a farm cart; field names (paddock, water meades/meadows); scythes; grass cutting and hay storage; names for horses when pulling waggons, ploughing; ploughing with three horses; commands to horses; reins, harness, collar, attachments; plough parts; gate fastenings and posts; hedging implements; scythe sharpening. [Tr. 2]
Identifier | v5nxgcpb |
IRN | 414851 |
Class Mark | LAVC/SRE/A800r |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Audiotape Sound Recordings |
Creator(s) | Wright, John T, Kylstra, Henk E, Orton, Harold |
Date | 1960 |
Size and Medium | 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 103' 16". |