Sound Recordings, Suffolk


Singing session at Snape Social Club, 3 July 1975. Master of Ceremonies introduces each performer. Ken [?Howard/?Howell] tells two jokes; Ruby Ling sings 'I Never Interfere'; Walter Maine tells two jokes/humorous anecdotes, and sings 'The Road to Dundee'; Peter Bury plays a tune [?Lamplighting Time in the Valley] on the harmonica; Frank Last sings 'Danny Boy'; Maureen sings 'Paper Roses' [accompanied by guitar and snare drum]; Gordon Haggard sings 'Streets of London' [accompanied by guitar and snare drum]; MC organises and announces the winner of the turns, judged by the level of the audience's applause for each. [Distortion on recordings of those singers who use the microphone during this session.] [Tr. 3] Jake Foreman, recorded at home in Snape on the 4 July 1975; talks about learning songs; his song repertoire; singing in pubs with Bob Hart; drinking and nerves before singing; favourite songs - Country and Western, those sung by Bob Hart; favourite singer, George Down; pub singing; the Golden Key pub; singers and people he has learned songs from, including Ruby Ling; the importance of pub music; the Ship Inn, Blaxhall, Saturday nights, Blaxhall singers; being in the mood for pub singing; father's singing; changes in pubs and pub music; John Ling; social aspects of pub singing; the importance of order; songs he is known for; travelling to pubs ( Wickham Market); sing, say, or pay; employment, including farm work and Snape Maltings; father's work; sings 'Old Shep' and 'Warship Ashore'; comments; sings 'Wild Colonial Boy'; comments on Bob Hart and giving order whilst singing. [Tr. 1] 77 of 79.


Identifier vm1bxwhy
IRN 414456
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A405r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Dunn, Ginette
Date July 1975
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 75' 32".

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