Sound Recordings, [West Yorkshire]


Jim Roche [continued from tape LAVC/SRE/A087] talks about his Trade Union involvement as a Shop Steward in the Leeds clothing industry: industrial and social problems of members; church involvement in the community; social life within work - Christmas party, Christmas Eve drink, factory outing to seaside, Operatic/Dramatic Society; welfare provision, opticians, nurse, football, billiard club (all at Burton's); social activities - cinema, pub, political meetings; courting - monkey walk; domestic arrangements - bathing; superstitions as amusement (salt, ladders); Banshee - children wailing outside houses as a joke; children's toys - rag dolls, tea sets; housework; cooking; food; mother's education - worked mornings in textile mill, aged nine; informant's education and schooling. Recorded 15 December 1980. [Tr. 2 - final 33 minutes] The second half of this tape is a copy of a BBC Radio Leeds programme, broadcast 10 June 1980, and featuring an interview with Gertie Roche. Mrs. Roche talks about starting work in the Leeds clothing industry in the 1920s; learning to sew; walk/tram to work; community of factory employees; working conditions and improvements through the Trade Union - informant was a Union stewardess; describes morning routine; the Depression and its effect on the clothing industry; working hours in boom time; working career post-Second World War - smaller factory, shorter hours, more breaks; changes in attitudes to the job (1930s/1980s) - conscientiousness and pride, management responsibilities, quality versus quantity; Trade Union and workers' training; changes in the clothing industry. [Tr. 3] 2 of 5.


Identifier fk5g1msk
IRN 414138
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A088
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Bryon, Fiona
Date 10 Jun 1980 - 15 Dec 1980
Size and Medium 1 audiocassette., Duration: 47' 45".

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