Sound Recording, Warwickshire


[Collector announcement]; Mrs. E. Sutton, recorded in Aston Cantlow[conclusion of interview which starts on tape LAVC/SRE/A262r]; talks about a blackthorn winter; weatherlore; cures for warts (broad bean pod). [Tr. 1] [Collector announcement]; Jack Hunt, recorded in Aston Cantlow ; talks about his work as a wheelwright, the tools and wood he used; wheel spokes; use of templates; describes wheel-making process, including fitting the metal tyre; working as a wheelwright until the 1930s. [Tr. 2] [Collector announcement]; Mr. Brumley, recorded at Wilmcote; gives examples of weatherlore, re. the wind, Spring, Martinmas Day; traditional remedies and use of goose grease; outsiders in the village; local woman thought to be a witch. [Tr. 3] [Collector announcement]; Alan Bullock, recorded at his farm in Great Alne; talks about remedies for ailing cattle; beliefs concerning the leading of mares after mating to determine the sex of the foal; the burning of elder wood inciting the Devil; not to bring birds' eggs or flowers into the house; belief re. magpies and geese; moonlore - planting with the new moon; modern farming; farm implements, inc. dibbing iron, mangle drill, horse gears, steam thrashing machines; horse gears last used locally c. 1927 - four-horse teams, named according to position; horse commands; Warwickshire wagons. [Tr. 4] 3 of 3.


Identifier xw6w5py8
IRN 414312
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A263r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Wharton, Colin S
Date 1968
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 42' 50".

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