Sound Recordings, Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire


Mrs. I. M. Brown and Mrs. Cotmore [?sisters], recorded in Oxford in 1969. Recitation of the words to 'I had a Little Donkey', and the monologues 'Sally and Her Sweetheart', and 'Little Boy and the Errand', all known by the informants' grandmother who came from Lechlade. [Tr. 3] William Clarke, recorded at home in Chinnor; sings 'The One-O' [? 'The Twelve Apostles'] - sung 1912-1913 by Jim Howlett and George Holland [other males present comment]; sings the chorus to 'All in the Morning Dew'. [Tr. 4] Mr. T. Newman, recorded at home in Clanfield; sings 'The Three Jolly Huntsmen' [fragment], 'The Soldier and the Sailor' [fragment], recites some of the words of 'The Bold Grenadier' , sings 'Please kind sir don't pass me by' [fragment], 'I'll Beat the Drum Again' [ 'Hat and Feather'] [fragment], 'My Father got Five Little Piggies', 'Fare Thee Well Cold Winter'. [Tr. 5] George Dawes [Dusty Dawes], recorded at home in Meysey Hampton; describes the Army ditty 'The Orderly Man', and then sings it; sings 'Down in the Fields Where the Buttercups All Grow', 'The Trumpeter' [learned/sung in the army, 1914], fragment of an unidentified song, sung in german. [Tr. 6]; sings 'The Royal Vineyard'; discussion of songs learned from his parents; the Army; father's occupation as a hurdle maker; describes the village of Kempsford, including the canal, blacksmith and wharf; sings the hunting song, 'Tally-ho hark away' [fragment]; talks about pub activities, including singing, music, dancing and games; beer and ale and breweries at Cirencester, Fairford and Burford; relates Army anecdotes. [Tr. 7] 16 of 20.


Identifier nxp6zh7c
IRN 414542
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A491r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Baldwin, John R
Date 1969
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 64' 49".

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