Sound Recording, West Yorkshire


[Collector announcement]; male, recorded in the home of his fiancée's parents in Leeds; talks about his first meeting with his future wife [informant on tapes A571r and A572r]; first date; first impressions; early days of the relationship; Valentines, birthday cards; exchange of keepsakes; friends' advice; thoughts on the age to marry; a visit to York, getting serious; first thoughts on marriage; proposing; bride's father's permission; engagement (presents, announcements, ring); wedding plans; thoughts on Registry wedding/church wedding. Informant talks about his best man; bridesmaids; the church service; photographer; invitations; cars; wedding rings; meeting in-laws and other family members; relationship with in-laws; changes since engagement; wedding clothes; guests; informant's relationship with own family members; reception [voice masked slightly by boiling kettle]; honeymoon; drinks with mates before their weddings; informant's stag night; practical jokes on women at work, before their marriages (relates other stories heard); thoughts on girls when a young boy; chumping for firewood in June (for Bonfire Night); thoughts on marriage as a boy; childhood (street) games (including Harry Knocker); thoughts on marriage vows, compared with Registry ceremony; marriage agencies; arranged marriages; ideal partner; biographical details. 3 of 5.


Identifier qhhmyngz
IRN 414624
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A573r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Neale, Brenda Ann
Date 25 March 1976
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 96' 34".

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