Sound Recordings, Suffolk


Percy Ling, recorded at home in Snape on the 2 November 1974; talks about Copper Kettle competitions - singing competition in Snape, first prize a copper kettle, judged by the audience; PL winning this competition; biographical details; father's job as a farm labourer; family; learning songs; grandfather; PL's relation to Cyril Poacher; pub singsongs; Harvest Frolics; singing competitions (one penny prize); stone picking; farm work; working at Snape Maltings; marriage; work at local aerodrome; estate work - rabbiting, ferreting; work as a shepherd; the Ling family and PL's relation to Lenny Savage; song ownership; repertoire; Percy Webb; the Ship Inn, Blaxhall, and the segregation of women; women singing with men; comments on local singers; favourite songs; songs learned from Gypsy Traveller communities; singing/dancing in the Ship Inn; repertoire and learning songs; comments on Bob Hart and Percy Webb; lists songs he knows; singing competitions with Cyril Poacher; fights between villages; other activities at the Ship (ten-pin bowling, quoits, step dancing, the Candlestick Dance); comments on local pubs, past and present; the need for a singing licence. [Tr. 2] Percy Ling, recorded at home [?on the 16 November 1974], comments on various songs, including 'Home Town in Texas', 'Old Farmer's Servant'; sings 'Queen of My Heart', 'A Group of Young Squaddies' [won Copper Kettle competition singing this], part of 'If I Were a Blackbird'and 'Underneath the Apron'; talks about a stone that grew, Stone Farm, Blaxhall; favourite songs and comments on Bob Hart; working as a cook in the Royal Air Force, in Horsham (Surrey) and Woodbridge (Suffolk) - never went overseas, due to Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Bob Scarce and songs PL wanted/learned from him; discusses the song 'The Lobster'; comments on his sons' country and western music; singing to his children; the Ling family and singing - all musical; transmission of songs; father's job as vermin catcher on an estate farm. [Tr. 1] [Continued on tape LAVC/SRE/A393r.] 64 of 79.


Identifier f68c1wwj
IRN 414443
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A392r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Dunn, Ginette
Date November 1974
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 86' 13".

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