Sound Recordings, South Ayrshire


[Collector announcement]; Mungo Munro , recorded at home in Dunure, talks about his fishing career, 1926-1971; deep sea fishing for herring; line fishing; women baiting lines (with mussels, also sand eels) - describes process; discuss creel fishing, fish caught, locations, creels, baits; line fishing stopped at time of World War One; describes lines, baits, hawling in, boats used, crew; occupational folklore (seeing a minister, salt, Mondays, salmon, rabbits); luck and women on boats; launching boats; flags on boats to signal a marriage; whistling for the wind; seaman's clothes, treating leather boots; fishing nets; accommodation (housing); weatherlore - winds, birds, ring around the moon, new moon; entertainment - fiddle playing, song (Scots, shanties); smuggling; selling fish in Ayr; women's dress; working relationship between fishermen and local farmers; duration of fishing trips; money management; names for boats. Recorded 22 December 1973. [Tr. 3] James McCrindle, recorded at home in Dunure, talks about his fishing career; working from Dunure, mostly line fishing for herring, also big line fishing for cod and skate; describes fishing lines, herring caught; small line fishing for whiting and haddock; collection of mussels for bait; baiting lines by women; baikie box described; drying lines; selling fish; accommodation; cooking; pay; fishing at 14 (started as ship's cook); boat building at Dunure - describes boats and materials used; occupational folklore - no boat launched on a Friday; annual Regatta; other fishing beliefs re. meeting women, ministers on board, not referring to salmon, rabbits whilst on ship (salmon referred to as queer fellows), matches on board - not Swan Vesta, as swans unlucky; weatherlore - weather glass, use of landmarks; net making; technique for using nets; entertainment - fiddlers, dances in village hall; work clothes; treating leather boots. Recorded 23 December 1973. [Tr. 1] 2 of 6.


Identifier pm82lpl3
IRN 414334
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A284r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Czerkawska, Catherine Lucy
Date December 1973
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 92' 59".

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