Sound Recordings, London, Huntingdonshire and Buckinghamshire


Mr. H. J. Kent, recorded in Hackney (London); talks about bus fares in London, compared with fifty years ago; journey times compared with horse trams; thoughts on the present bus service; horse drawn buses/trams; explains the phrase busman's holiday; hackney cabs; Hackney during World War One; warning bells for Zeppelin attacks; describes a Zeppelin airship coming down; World War Two and bombing; boys' hours and wages on starting work; wages/hours for skilled labourers; education and the labour exam (could leave school at thirteen, if passed this exam); schools and discipline; describes a house and talks of the servants' bells; residents of the neighbourhood; cost of living (cigarettes, tobacco, beer). [Tr. 1] Isaac Dickens, recorded in Kimbolton (Huntingdonshire); talks about building a haystack and thatching with straw; work and wages as a farm boy, aged twelve; leading horses; ploughing with horses; ploughs; horse harnesses; hedge laying; crops grown; twelve years as a cowman; fireplaces and bush faggots as fuel; Kimbolton Fair (Stattis); describes a farm cart/waggon; mowing with a scythe; haymaking; schooling in Pertenhall; old and new farming methods; working on an estate farm. [Tr. 2] Harry Appleby, recorded in Coleshill (Buckinghamshire); talks about building hay/corn stacks; working on the farm from the age of eleven; pheasant rearing/feeding; ploughing with horses; ploughs; sowing corn; drag harrows; hedging and ditching; cutting corn; women tying and shocking; self binder; plough harness; corn for milling (carting to Uxbridge and beyond); local windmill; changes in the village - new population, modernisation of cottages; standard of living; describes fireplace; curing bacon; Coleshill Fair (Whit Tuesday); Amersham Cattle Fair (Whit Monday); school and education; fourth standard exam and leaving school aged eleven; first farm job, working with pheasants; sheep-shearing, dipping and marking; sheep dogs; Gypsy Traveller communities; poaching; hedge laying; haymaking; farm buildings. [Tr. 3]


Identifier q5pq6bzs
IRN 414888
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A837r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Tilling, Philip M, Barry, Michael V
Date 1967
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 65' 18".

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