Sound Recordings, Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire


George Powell, recorded in his home in Wigginton. Conclusion of session which starts on tape LAVC/SRE/A476r. Sings 'Jim the Carter's Lad', 'Beer Beer Glorious Beer' [fragment] and 'Joan's Ale'. Mr. R. G. Cook, recorded at home in Purton, sings 'The Little Shirt My Mother Made for Me'and 'Tom and the Parson'. Albert Agg, recorded at home in Siddington sings 'We're all Jolly Fellows that Follow the Plough', 'When Shall We Get Married?', [ 'Come Landlord Fill the Flowing Bowl', 'The Barley Mow', 'I Wish I Was Single', 'Kymanero', 'Rolling Home', 'Glorious Beer' [fragment], 'Early in the Morning', 'The Bogey Man Ditty', 'Follow Me', 'The Cuckoo', 'The Golden Vanity'; Mrs. Albert Aggsings 'Inside the Workhouse'; Albert Agg sings 'Where Are You Going My Pretty Maid?', 'The Holly and the Ivy'; fragments of songs and stories - the rhyme 'One Two Buckle My Shoe'; riddle and explanation; stories about a horse, farm boy and farm workers, the church, a shepherd, old gardener, a gravedigger, local dialect, a parson; talks about dialect and speaking, inflections, examples and anecdotes. [Tr. 1] Mr. E. T. Cook, recorded at home in Oxford, sings 'The Merry Party', 'Just Break the News to Mother', 'The Last Roll-Call', 'The Banks of the Nile', 'The Cottage with Ivy Round the Door', 'Jim the Carter's Lad', 'The Lost Lady Found', 'Tommy Aitkens', 'Sons of the Sea', 'We've Got a Navy', 'Joe Muggins' ( 'I Don't Care If I Do'), 'My Father's Picture', 'The Dark Eyed Sailor', 'Banks of the Sweet Dundee', 'Mother-in-Law', 'Sailing Merrily Home', 'While London Sleeps', 'Two Little Girls in Blue', 'Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Wow', 'Farmer's Boy', 'We're All Jolly Fellows that Follow the Plough', 'Gentleman Soldier'. [Tr. 2] 2 of 20.


Identifier l3wwzznw
IRN 414528
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A477r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Baldwin, John R
Date 1966-1967
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 97' 31".

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