Sound Recordings, North Yorkshire


Farmers washing sheep in Outgang Beck, Thornton Rust in Wensleydale. This event, revived for the first time since 1935, was recorded photographically, on audio tape and 16mm cine film by Stewart Sanderson, Stanley Ellis, Ingemar Liman and Werner Kissling. Stanley Ellis used two tape recorders for this event: one he left running throughout the entire proceedings, the other he used for interviews with informants. Werner Kissling talks with a Mr. Richardson ( John C. Richardson?) about his position in relation to a [?cine] camera; WK advises the start of filming; farmers' commands to dogs and sheep; sheep bleating, dogs barking; splashing of water as the sheep are thrown into the washpool [created by the prior damming of the beck by the farmers]; calls/whistles to dogs; farmers' conversation, WK questioning [muffled]; women's voices, laughter; dogs fighting/separated; voices of farmers and children; children's laughter; dogs barking [breaks in recording, ?due to faulty microphone connection]; whistles to dogs; [much wind noise]; children's laughter; splashing of water as sheep submerged. Sound of running water, as the beck is undammed and the washpool drains away; voices of Stanley Ellis, Stewart Sanderson and Werner Kissling commenting on the photographing of this; Werner Kissling comments to a farmer on the quality of the tape- record sound; [gap]; [the remaining section contains material dubbed from another tape recorded by Stanley Ellis on a second tape recorder]; sheep bleating, splashing of water, whistles/calls to dogs; Stanley Ellis describes the sheep washing scene before him; he and a farmer talk of scalping and the de-horning of lambs; [gap]; talk of whether to bring in more sheep for washing; women's voices/laughter/comments; Stanley Ellis rewinds the other tape he has been using and plays back sections to a farmer; comments on amount of wind noise picked up by the microphone.


Identifier bcq82fgl
IRN 414926
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A875r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Ellis, Stanley
Date June 1965
Size and Medium 1 x 17.8cm open reel spool, Duration: 64' 54".

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