Sound Recording, Caldwell (Idaho)


Evening session of instrumental and vocal music, recorded in the College of Idaho, and performed by delegates attending a folklore conference at the college. Introduction/conference announcements; Barre Toelken plays the guitar and sings 'The Outlandish Lad' and 'Sawtooth Peaks'; Rue Frisbee (fiddle) and Dave Frisbee (guitar) play 'West Virginia Hornpipe' and 'Grey eagle'; Loyd Wanzer (fiddle) plays 'Boil Down the Cabbage' and 'Orange Blossom Special', with piano accompaniment; Joe Hickerson sings 'Lather and Shave' and 'Good Fish Chowder', with guitar accompaniment. Barre Toelken sings 'I Married A Wife in the Month of June'; talks about a limberjack [type of puppet, similar to a jig doll], and operates this with Linda Danielson playing the dulcimer; Linda Danielson talks about dulcimers, dulcimer music and playing technique; plays 'Cumberland Gap', 'Old Joe Clark'and 'June Apple'; Vivian Skeans (fiddle) plays 'Tom and Jerry', and unidentified tune (with Jim York double bass and Dave Frisbee guitar accompaniment); a number of fiddlers play 'Ragtime Annie'; Vivian Skeans and Dave Frisbee play 'Snow Deer' on fiddles; Joe Hickerson sings 'The Rolling of the Stones' [also known as 'The Twa Brothers'] and 'The Clenchfield Line', with guitar accompaniment; Loyd Wanzer plays the fiddle tunes 'Annie Laurie' and 'Irish Washerwoman', with the piano accompaniment of Cheryl Wanzer.


Identifier dqgw7ggr
IRN 414697
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A646r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Attebery, Louie W
Date 4 August 1971
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 84' 32".

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