Sound Recording, Oxfordshire


Harry Austin, recorded at home in Adderbury, talks about local people listed on an unidentified manuscript; comments on a number of local families, including the Welsh family, the Walton family, Martha Gibbons and Janet Blunt; Adderbury village; Janet Blunt's activities in the village; Joseph Welsh, the Brendle family, Sam Newman, Mrs. Wise, the Hawkins family, Samuel Worth, the Owne family, Philip Wayne and his daughter Lucy Wayne; ironstone mining in the area; Rufus Usher (hawker of traditional remedies); the Townsend family, Fred Jones; village churchyard; Mrs. Walton, George Breckwell; working on road surfaces, pre-asphalt. Talk of local man who sang 'Old Binx'; village club at the Coach and Horses pub; morris dancers; maypole; Adderbury Fair (first Wednesday in June); Parish Institute - Night School classes, reading room, games; class structure and changes in the village post-World War Two; education; football and cricket; local characters, including Ernest Castle [? William Castle, Fool for the Adderbury Morris Men, nicknamed Old Mettle]; village quarrels, drink, licensing hours; reference to Linda Stowe and her niece and information on village residents; Janet Blunt and reactions to changes in the village (lighting, toilets), her manners and ways; the Blunt family; Quaker meeting house; Chapel. 2 of 7.


Identifier pmjp3rc1
IRN 414374
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A323r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Pickering, Michael J
Date September 1973
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 93' 35".

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