Sound Recordings, Cambridgeshire


[Collector announcement]; Etheldrida Thompson, recorded in Witchford on the 14 July 1975; gives biographical details; employment as a nurse housemaid in Cambridge; parlour maid in Peterborough; [collector announcement]; separation money and husband serving in World War One; living in Bury St Edmunds; work at Willingham Rectory; talks about the village of Witchford and Witchford College; the Bishop of Ely; school days; Sunday School; describes her childhood home; helping at harvest time; Cherry Sunday at Ely. [Tr. 5] [Collector announcement]; Ernest Spencer, recorded in Witchford on the 14 July 1975; talks about his upbringing on a farm in Coveney; describes the farm's brick oven and its use; pig killing; mixed farming and the crops grown; buttermaking; children's jobs on the farm; harvest time; thatching stacks; threshing with a steam engine in winter; mowing with scythes; threshing with frails; leisure time - cricket, the talkies at Ely; Ely Fair; Coveney Feast. Ernest Spencer talks about baking day as a child; food eaten as a child; pork cheese (brawn); Yorkshire puddings [two women also contribute]; (rain)water supply; children's games; school days; Coveney pubs of his childhood remembered; changes in the village; clothing. [Tr. 6] [Collector announcement]; Maud Barber, recorded in Witchford on the 14 July 1975; talks about housekeeping; farm animals and farm jobs; father's job on the railway at Wilburton Station - describes railway traffic and goods; Ely market; Ely Fair; Christmas plays. [Tr. 7] [Collector announcement]; Ernest Johnson, recorded in Witchford on the 14 July 1975; describes claying in the Fens - the preparation of the land before ploughing; removing bog oaks [submerged tree trunks] from the land; ploughing with horses; compares plough depths with those when using a tractor; childhood on the land and helping at harvest time (making bands); reaper machine, binder, combine harvester; hoeing by hand (acre a day for five shillings); modern weed sprays. [Tr. 8] [Collector announcement]; Wally Hull, recorded at Little Downham on the 15 July 1975; talks about his job as a postman; the cost of sending mail; schooling in the village; the condition of local roads. [Tr. 9]. Continued on tape LAVC/SRE/A673r. 8 of 15.


Identifier grhp91d3
IRN 414723
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A672r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Tammivaara, Irmeli
Date July 1975
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 91' 09".

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