Sound Recordings, Isle of Wight, Wiltshire and Berkshire


[Collector announcement]; Mr. M. Sheath, recorded in Whitwell (Isle of Wight) in April 1959, by Henk Kylstra; talks about the uses for farm waggons and carts; the decline in the use of horses; ploughing technique; sowing by hand; threshing; binding and reaping; sheaves; rick building and thatching; the village fair in August (tea and sports). [Tr. 2] [Collector announcement]; Mrs. M. Sheath, recorded in Whitwell (Isle of Wight) in April 1959, by Henk Kylstra; talks about the village and its buildings; her father; the Queen Elizabeth [2] (ship); navvies and the building of a railway. [Tr. 3] [Collector announcement]; James Shipway, recorded in Avebury (Wiltshire) in April 1959, by Michael Barry; talks about Avebury stone circle and archaeological excavations [?pre-World War Two]; identifying holes, raising stones, the Avenue and the Sanctuary; [collector announcement]; the National Trust and the renovation of a barn in the village [now the Great Barn]; ploughing with oxen; reaping by hand and tying sheaves; thrashing corn with frails; agricultural wages; drink - beer brewed at ?East Kennett/?West Kennett; children's games (inc. fox and hounds); the Red Lion pub; local Clubs (Days) - bands, parade, dinner, dancing; racing on push bikes; excavations at Silbury Hill; children's (chasing) games, including Click Clack and Prisoner's Base. [Tr. 4] [Collector announcement]; Mr. G. E. Bailey, recorded in Uffington (Berkshire) in May 1959, by Michael Barry; talks about farm jobs and wages; the Army; farm work with cows and horses; thoughts on farming and animal husbandry; cattle cake feed; farm labouring and wages; ploughing and sowing; [collector announcement]; selling a cow; feeding cows; modern farming methods; Army service in India (1915) - teaching cadets with a wooden artillery gun; rick building and thatching. [Tr. 5] An unidentified male [?recorded in Sussex] talks about a crystal set (radio); a two-valve (radio) set; John Logie Baird experimenting with television in Hastings during the period 1929-1933; the informant describes a visit to Hastings to see Baird's televised images. [Tr. 6] An unidentified female, [?possibly recorded in Kent], recollects seeing soldiers returning from the Crimea, circa 1856, as a child in Goudhurst; meeting soldiers during World War One; talks of her parents; catching/poaching a pheasant. A male interviewer and possibly the informant's son and daughter are present. [Tr. 7] [Collector announcement]; George Maynard, recorded in Burbage in August 1960, by Henk Kylstra; talks about rick building and thatching; ploughing; pig farming and killing; rabbiting; the cost of living; local brewers; schooling and corporal punishment; farm work, wages and hours of work (informant started at the age of nine); winter work (dung and silo carting). [Tr. 8]


Identifier nm5hkvdb
IRN 414849
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A798r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Kylstra, Henk E, Barry, Michael V
Date 1959-1960
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 100' 07".

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