Sound Recordings, Cambridgeshire


[Collector announcement]; Bertram Bridgement, recorded in Manea on the 3 July 1974; talks about farming and farm jobs pre-mechanisation; dyke/drain digging tools; job as a horseman; showing horses (Shires); Peterborough Show; judging; prizes; [collector announcement]; horseman's tricks; commands to horses. [Tr. 9] [Collector announcement]; Arthur Sharpe, recorded in Manea on the 3 July 1974; talks about his family and home; education; childhood memories of threshing; potato picking; cow tending; the village of Manea, history; flooding; local placenames; decline in housing/farms along the river; river traffic; working on the land, mowing corn; the coronation of King Edward the Seventh; agricultural labouring - seasonal/casual; [collector announcement]; village life; Hospital Sunday; membership of the Parish Council; Oddfellows Friendly Society; village pubs; Feast Week in June, pre-World War One; flower and vegetable show, evening dance on village lawn (also pre-War); changes in the use of village land; [collector announcement]; talk of crops and introduction of sugar beet in the 1920s; beet factories; crop rotation; potato waggons; roads/motoring developments in the area; [collector announcement]; railways, steam engines; Louis Bleriot's cross-Channel flight; early aeroplanes and seeing planes for the first time in 1914; talk of Zeppelins and airships. [Tr. 10] [Collector announcement]; Ernest Marshall, recorded in Manea on the 3 July 1974; talks about farm work; changes to the village; working with horses; harvests; Feast day, June 24th; sports days; [collector announcement]; weatherlore; [collector announcement]; digging drains by hand, tools used; local soil; floods, 1912; skating matches and prizes. [Tr. 11] [Collector announcement]; John Barnes, recorded in Purls Bridge on the 4 July 1974; talks about fishing for eels; setting nets at night; baiting willow baskets with worms; preparing and eating eels; method of cooking; describes eel stew; [collector announcement]; catching eels with a spear, or gleave; eel lines and catching larger eels; lines and spears now prohibited; effect of floodwater on the number of eels; [collector announcement]; willow cultivation; cutting and selling to basketmakers; older trees sold for thatching corn stacks; soaking/boiling willow for basketmaking. [Tr. 1] [Collector announcement]; Sidney Warnett, recorded in Wimblington on the 5 July 1974; describes the village; talks about his father's job as an agricultural labourer; wages; working hours; education - school staff, lessons; jobs as a boy, supplementing parents' wages; Methodist Church; Sunday School and anniversaries; Gala Day - village fete, including horse show, sports, cycle races; Hospital Sunday, fundraising for local hospitals; village sports - cricket, football, quoits; changes in the village; men lost in World War One; village war effort during World War Two; the Home Guard; Comforts Fund and money raised, 1939-1945 (informant as Chairman); allocation of money raised; new housing after World War Two, pubs demolished, new roads, influx of new people; village water supply (pumps); first cars in the village; [collector announcement]; closure of local railway line; [collector announcement]; village school, sports day and exchanges with a school in Sunderland. [Tr. 2] 5 of 15.


Identifier wx92m8yq
IRN 414720
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A669r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Tammivaara, Irmeli
Date July 1974
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 91' 06".

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