Sound Recordings, Suffolk


[Collector announcement]; Stanley Applett, a retired butcher, recorded in his home in Framsdenon the 3 August 1971; talks about his working life as a butcher; his apprenticeship and wages; joining the Army in 1915; regiments and service; farm work after the war; the Depression; starting his own business; World War Two, rationing and women employees; the slaughterhouse; pig killing during the war; retirement. [Tr. 1] [Collector announcement]; Mrs. Farrow, recorded at home in Helmingham on the 4 August 1971; talks about working in service from the age of fourteen; describes jobs undertaken, uniform, wages; marriage in 1901; thoughts on past times; housework; baking day and food; Christmas food; cooking in a brick oven (fuelled by faggots); wash day; church attendance; transport (carriers' carts, bicycles); Chapel; Helmingham people; schooling (teacher, food, lessons); local (sheep) farming; Sunday School; family (siblings); working life (husband a horseman); reflections on past and present times; needlework. [Tr. 2] [Collector announcement]; Mr. Goddard, a retired carpenter, recorded in his home in Helmingham on the 10 August 1971; talks about his working life; errand boy at fourteen; engineering works at Leiston; apprentice builder; engineering work making parts for threshing machines; joining the Army; working for the Midland Railway Company; serving in France during World War One; war wound; Army wages and wife's allowance; marriage in 1912; serving in Salonica, Alexandria and Beirut; demobilisation and pay for Army service; change in the value of money; looking for work after the war; the Depression; carpentry and joinery work and job security; carpenter at aerodromes during World War Two; wife's death; son Japanese prisoner of war; manual nature of his carpentry work; farm mechanisation and the reduction in manpower. [Tr. 3] 4 of 7.


Identifier gqvh8wvd
IRN 414790
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A739r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Pasanen, Leena
Date August 1971
Size and Medium 1 x 17.8cm open reel spool, Duration: 94' 58".

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