Sound Recordings, Greater Manchester


Schoolgirls and boys from Greater Manchester give examples of skipping rhymes, song parodies, dipping rhymes, explanations of chasing/ring games (also card games), Pancake Tuesday rhyme and autograph book rhymes. [High recording level: some distortion.] 3 of 3.


Identifier q75lqdq3
IRN 414144
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A094r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Waller, Vivien M
Date 1961-1962
Size and Medium 1 x 7.6cm open reel spool, Duration: 19' 09".

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