Sound Recordings, Suffolk


Music/song session at the Ship Inn, Blaxhall, recorded on 6 September 1974. Fred List plays a number of popular tunes on the accordion (with some singing by the assembled company), including 'Wild Colonial Boy', 'My Grandfather's Clock' and 'Side by Side'; Percy Webb sings 'Wild Colonial Boy'; Cyril Poacher sings 'Australia'; Fred List plays the accordion; Percy Ling sings 'Flanagan's Band' [incomplete due to tape break and splice], and end of 'Flash Company' [sound quality affected by crease in the tape]; Lenny Savage sings 'The Foggy Dew'; Fred List plays the accordion; [unidentified] sings 'Grandmother's Old Armchair'; [unidentified] sings 'Just an Old Fashioned Lady'; Cyril Poacher sings 'Black Velvet Band'; Fred List plays the accordion, with step dancing by Frank Woolnough; Bob Hart sings 'What a Funny Little Place to Have One'. [Tr. 2] Bob Hart and Percy Webb singing at Leiston Folk Club on 1 November 1974. BH sings 'Banks of Sweet Primroses' and 'All Jolly Fellows that Follow the Plough'; PW sings 'Flash Company' and 'Nutting Girl'. [Tr. 3] Percy Ling and Dowey Bloomfield in conversation at the Golden Key pub on 2 November 1974. Dowey Bloomfield sings a fragment of 'London Apprentice Boy'. [Tr. 4] 31 of 79.


Identifier rmypmrlw
IRN 414410
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A359r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Dunn, Ginette
Date 1974
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 68' 18".

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