Sound Recordings, West Sussex, Surrey, Berkshire and East Sussex


[Collector announcement]; Harry Prior, recorded in East Harting (West Sussex) in June 1959; talks about Sussex farm waggons; harvesting and building a stack; thatching a haystack; local parkland; informant's house and gardens; modern farming - wages, labour, mechanisation; describes a working day on the farm with horses; ploughs and ploughing; sheep grazing on the South Downs; village blacksmiths; changes in the village; starting work at the age of eleven (farmwork). [Tr. 4] Mr Francis [location/date not given] talks about working as a boy with a carter; ploughs; gardening; carting lime with his father; building a stack/rick; harvesting/mowing by hand, using scythe and sickle; waggons; modern farming methods/machinery. [Tr. 5] [Collector announcement]; Mr. Baker, recorded in Thursley (Surrey) in September 1959; talks about farming with horses; modern farming; milking cows; harvesting; tractors; bees and beekeeping; building ricks and threshing; ploughs and ploughing (with horses). [Tr. 6] Unidentified male reads a list of words with single a, e and i vowels (e.g. hen, pin). [Tr. 7] [Collector announcement]; Mr. Ede, recorded in Coldharbour (Surrey) in September 1959; talks about modern farming; farm machinery; manual labour of the past; work and pay as a gardener at Broome Hall; the village - sports, incomers and cars; thoughts on moon exploration; farm mechanisation and the decline in the use of waggons; rick building; ploughing; hedging; mowing; Broome Hall; local blacksmiths; Leith Hill Tower and its ownership; history of the informant's house; council cottages; gardening. [Tr. 8] Albert Carter, recorded in Buckland (Berkshire) in September 1959; talks about his marriage and living in Buckland; [collector announcement]; talk of modern times, wages and the cost of living; his own wages before and after World War One; farming - labour, land, horses, ploughing, building ricks, piece work during harvest time, wages, farm waggons. [Tr. 9] [Collector announcement]; Harry Burghess [Burgess], recorded in Firle (East Sussex) in June 1959; talks about school and his education; farmers selecting boys from school; leaving school aged eleven to work on a potato farm; wages; work at a hunting stables - wages and food; Sussex farmworkers; working oxen on the farm and the bullock man; corn growing; flintpicking; broad-wheeled waggons; wheelwrights and blacksmiths; ploughs and ploughing with horses; baking bread in a brick oven; slaughtering sheep; learning to build a stack; use of corn bonds; corn harvest and mechanisation; gleaning. [Tr. 10] [Collector announcement]; Mr. Bellingham, recorded in Fletching (East Sussex) in June 1959; talks about ploughs and ploughing with horses; [collector announcement]; harvesting different types of crops, tools needed and tying, shocking, turning when cut; building a stack; threshers and threshing machine moving between farms; hop-picking and processing; hop gardens in the district and their decline; cattle fodder; buttermaking; milk; care of dairy herds; cow cabbage (fodder); ploughs and ploughing with horses; carts and waggons; use of Army waggons after World War One. [Tr. 11] Unidentified male [location/date not given] sings 'What's the Life of a Man' and 'Seeds of Love'. [Tr. 12]


Identifier jb37ss61
IRN 414857
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A806r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Barry, Michael V
Date 1959
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 101' 22".

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