Sound Recording, [West Yorkshire]


Jim Roche, recorded in his home, talks about the Leeds clothing industry in the 1920s/30s; starting work at John Baron's; describes contracting out, machinery, processes, hours of work, health (T.B. prevalent); his first job - learning to sew, errand boy, learning parts of garments - apprenticeship; mother/brother in the trade - mother an under presser, using a goose iron; family history - brought up in Irish Catholic community in Leeds; attitude to work; Chair of Union when working at Burton's; division of labour along gender lines - women cheaper; women's work/role and domestic routine; formal/informal support organisations; Union meetings; describes [?Burton's] premises, including library, billiard room; difficulty of involving women in Union activity. Recorded 10 December 1980. [Tr. 1] Jim Roche, recorded in his home, talks about his involvement in the Leeds clothing industry. 1929 - becomes a Shop Steward; refers to the 1911 clothing strike re. working conditions - describes conditions; 1936 strike in Leeds; Board of Guardians - strikers refused relief in Hunslet; describes clothing factories, various sizes - internal arrangement of rooms, routine (lunch); overtime arrangements; describes working conditions - heating, lighting; quarrelling, friendships, practical jokes - apprentices' errands; marriage/funeral/illness - collections made; joker at Burton's; distribution of dirty stories; pornography within the factory; describes the community, neighbourhood where he was brought up (the Bank, Leeds) - streets, housing, sleeping arrangements, washing, clothing; Free Library; Leeds Market; local policeman; wife beating. Recorded 15 December 1980. [Tr. 2 - first 45 minutes] [Interview concludes on tape LAVC/SRE/A088.] 1 of 5.


Identifier t65qlr3q
IRN 414137
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A087
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Bryon, Fiona
Date 10 Dec 1980 - 15 Dec 1980
Size and Medium 1 audiocassette., Duration: 83' 28".

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