Sound Recordings, West Yorkshire


Children recorded at Birdsedge First School, Birdsedge; sing three parodies - the first to the Dallas theme tune, followed by 'Burn the Teacher'and 'I'd Like to Teach the RAF'. Also sing 'Chinese Restaurant', 'My Mother Told Me'[clapping rhyme], 'Jack Be Nimble'[with dance movements] and 'The Wind Blows High'. [Tr. 1] Unidentified woman sings 'My Mother Said'. [Tr. 2] Songs sung by children at Birdsedge First School - parody to the Dallas theme tune, 'I'm Only a Poor Little Gymnast', the counting-out rhymes 'Ickle Ockle' and 'Eeny Meeny Mackeracka'. [Much distortion on this first part of the tape, due to a high recording level and the proximity of the microphone to children shouting in the playground.] The second half of the tape contains an interview with Mrs. Hinchliffe and Mrs. Tinker, who recollect their schooldays at Birdsedge and Denby Dale. Talk of shuttlecocks, skipping, hopscotch, rounders, tag, ring games (both sing 'Farmer's in his Den'), 'Oranges and Lemons'and 'King William'; describe skipping movements, the game 'London Bridge is Falling Down' and the counting-out rhymes 'One Potato Two Potato' and 'Eeny Meeny'; ball games and the ring game 'Lucy Locket Lost a Pocket'; a description of the game 'Piggy' [similar to knur and spell]; the singing game 'Big Ship Sails'; both sing the words for 'Nuts in May' and describe the accompanying movements; talk of games through the seasons, e.g. whip and top at Easter; talk of the area and where the informants lived, including local place names such as New Brighton and Pump Row. [Tr. 4] 9 of 9.


Identifier vj4r4g27
IRN 414135
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A085r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Cooke, Jane A
Date [1979-1980]
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 69' 13".

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