Sound Recordings, North Yorkshire


Edited compilation of field recordings of songs sung by a number of informants at locations in North Yorkshire. The collector announces the name of the song and singer, where known, before each song. 'The Horn of the Hunter's Now Silent'[ Mr. Winter]; 'Fylingdales Parish'[2 renditions, Reg Pickering and Fred Grayson]; 'Valentine Day'[ Reg Pickering]; 'Drink, Puppy, Drink'[ Mr. Benison]; Hunting chorus, from Bilsdale, introduced by the singer; Hunting chorus [ Mr. Winter]; 'The Song of the Glaisdale Harriers'[ Mr. Weatherill ( Frank Weatherill?); 'Three Jolly Fishermen'[ Mr. Weatherill] ( Frank Weatherill?); 'The Ship that Never Returned'[2 renditions, Mr. Wood and Fred Grayson, the latter accompanied on the accordion]; 'The Sailor's Farewell'[2 renditions, Mr. Woodand Harry Grayson]; 'The Anchor's Weighed'[ Mr. Wood]; 'Pretty Nancy of Yarmouth'[ Mr. Wood]; 'The Sailor's Grave'[ Mr. Wood]; 'Leeds' Old Church'[ Mr. Watson]; 'The Ignorant Loon'[ Mr. Cruickshank, Aberdeenshire]; 'Timothy Briggs the Barber'[ Mr. Wood]; 'Sucking Pig'[ Mr. Hodgson, whose father stole a sheep for Christmas dinner, and wrote the song]. [Tr. 1, AC040] Second track on the tape continues with more songs, with announcements by the collector. 'Johnny Sands'[ Mr. White]; 'The Old Woman in Yorkshire'[ Mr. Wood]; 'The Crocodile'[ Mr. Swales]; 'The Derby Ram'[ Mr. Swales]; 'King Arthur and His Sons'[ Mr. Hodgson]; 'The Baby's Name'[ Mr. Pennock, with third verse remembered by Mr. Newton]; 'The Page Boy'[ Mr. Watson]; 'Jim Crow's a Dandy'[fragment remembered by Ralph Noble]; 'Little Fiddle'[fragment from Mr. Pennock]; 'The Tailor's Breeches'[ Mr. Wood]; 'Two Little Maids'[ Mr. Pennock]; 'The Cliffs of Old Whitby'[ Mr. Wood]; 'Goathland Plough Stots'[ Fred Grayson]; 'Battle of Trafalgar'[ Mr. Wood]; 'The Battle of Waterloo'[ Mr. Wood]; 'Spencer the Rover'[ Mr. Wood]; 'The Bride's Good Health'[ Mr. Hodgson]; 'Dick Turpin's Ride to York'[ Mr. Wood]; 'The Soldier's Tear'[ Mr. Wood]; 'The Soldier's Return'[ Mr. Wood]. [Tr. 1, AC041] 2 of 3.


Identifier c71z6c44
IRN 414151
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A101r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Wharton, Colin S
Date 1960-1961
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 94' 19".

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