Sound Recording, Berkshire


Dave Blagrove, recorded in Reading; sings [with ?banjo/?ukulele accompaniment] 'Sandy Lane', the Oxford boatmen's songs 'The Ballad of Tom Beechey' and 'Les Morton's Navy'; 'Maggie May', 'Farmer's Boy', 'Just as the Tide was Flowing' [fragment], 'Old Towler' [fragment], 'The Bitch Fox', 'There was an Old Farmer in Berkshire', 'The Free and Happy Barley' [fragment], 'Many a mile I've travelled', 'The Prize-Winning Hereford Bull', 'Georgie's Lost His Alley', 'The Wren' [children's rhyme], 'Where Be Thucky Blackbird?', 'I Came From Cumnor', 'The Newbury Custard Pie', 'The Scouring of the White Horse' [fragment], 'The Berkshire Tragedy', 'The Lobster' [fragment] and 'Boating Song'. [Tr. 4]. This recording is followed by a multi-track recording of a radio programme on Percy Grainger, with a piano, singer and speaker simultaneously audible on another track. The contents of neither track is clearly discernible. Not copied onto AC221. Track Two of this tape contains recordings, possibly copied from commercial LP records, of an unidentified female singer [with guitar] singing a number of folk songs [some in French and German], an unidentified male pop group [?1960s] and an unidentified female singer [?1960s]. [Trs. 5-7]. No details of these recordings appear in John Baldwin's thesis. 9 of 20.


Identifier by9bg7lq
IRN 414535
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A484r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Baldwin, John R
Date 1967
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 91' 53".

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