Sound Recording, [United States]


Peter Trigillis and Carol Faulb, recorded by themselves for David Wilson, talking about American university and college campus folklore: campus services; black students; co-ed. fraternity/sorority - Unity House; CF talks about fraternities and sororities at Indiana University - pledging, Rush, sorority candlelight pledge, sorority mothers, symbols and pride; degrading nature of fraternity pledging - hazing at Lafayette College; pinning and candle sorority ritual; isolation of fraternities and sororities at Indiana; political fraternity at Cornell University; thoughts on decline of fraternity system; voodoo dolls; practical jokes; Panty Raids; bicycle races; smoking marijuana; conservative nature of Indiana campus at Bloomington; sport; traditions - candlelight dinners, Pixies and Angels -gift giving at Christmas; CF describes her folklore classes; sorority poems; visit of Peace Corps to PT's campus, and reaction in 1969; student political strikes; standard of campus dormitories; dogs on campus; Ku Klux Klan at Indiana; students/locals relations; [Inaudible section]; college administration and characters; rivalry between Indiana and Purdue University; dating customs; dances; Beer Bashes; Ice Cream Social; Dib Dabs and midnight movies. Both informants sign off at the end of the recording. 5 of 6.


Identifier l8f6yc88
IRN 414300
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A251r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Wilson, David L
Date 8 March 1972
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 84' 26".

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