Sound Recordings, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire


Edward Orton, recorded in Packington (Leicestershire); talks about building a haystack, and thatching it with wheat straw; farmhouses; curing bacon; livestock; selling land for housing; modern farming; hedge laying; Packington Wakes [fair/feast]; describes the village and changes (newcomers); ploughing and setting the field with horses; sowing and harrowing; farm carts/waggons; farmhouse fireplaces; stacking (hay) - gives shapes and dimensions; schools in the village; morning jobs as a child, before attending school; describes a working day on the farm; haymaking; mining in the area (coal from Donisthorpe Colliery for domestic use); pig keeping; farm buildings; Packington deadweights [?blason populaire]. [Tr. 1] Unidentified male, possibly recorded in Kibworth (Leicestershire); talks about ploughing with horses at the age of twelve (in Norfolk); moving to Leicestershire and working as a plough boy; talk of steam ploughs; soil types; working hours; milking, ploughing, harness cleaning (evenings); ploughing with three horses; feeding the soil (manuring); steam ploughing; field drainage; harvesting with scythes, tying and shocking by hand (piece work); money prize for the best stack; steam threshing. [Tr. 2] William Burnett, recorded in Swaby (Lincolnshire); talks about agricultural labourers' wages and hours of work; driving sheep to Louth; sheep-shearing; describes a farm fire; new and subsequent employers, locations and lengths of service; buying a smallholding in the 1930s; haystacking; thoughts on modern farming methods; ploughing with horses, and also an early model of tractor. [Tr. 3] Walter Braybrook, recorded in Elsworth (Cambridgeshire); talks about manual agricultural labour; land drainage; mowing, ploughing and drilling with horses; describes the construction and thatching of a haystack; farm machinery and mechanisation; seed drilling (walking ten acres a day); daily routine, including preparing the horses; lists the jobs done on the farm; the cost of living; harvest time; education; hours of work and wages; World War One Army service. [Tr. 4]


Identifier rwxbvr42
IRN 414892
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A841r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Tilling, Philip M, Barry, Michael V
Date 1967
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 64' 24".

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